365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Relationships

7.29.19 Day 70 Do you think it is important to be honest with people even if that honesty causes pain? Yes, they say “the truth hurts” & this is probably true many times to  begin with, but in the long run it creates for a more successful relationship if the person is understanding of whereContinue reading “365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Relationships”

365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Relationships

7.08.19 Day 49 Are you a secretive person? Do you find it easy to confide in other people? I am a secretive person, but I call it being private. I am a private person by choice & I don’t find it easy to confide in others because I don’t particularly enjoy sharing things about myselfContinue reading “365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Relationships”

365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Relationships

5.26.19 Day 6 Who do you trust? Myself and sometimes I even question that  I’d say friends and family but there are things I couldn’t tell them because I don’t think I could trust them enough to not judge or feel some sort of disappointment

365 Days of Self Discovery: Day 47

10.19.18 What rules or standards do you live by? I have a number of rules and standards that I try to live by the best way I know how. Some of which you may have heard of it and some you have not. All of these rules/standards can somewhat be summed up by my moralsContinue reading “365 Days of Self Discovery: Day 47”