The Day After Christmas Day

Hello everyone, 

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and if not Christmas, a wonderful holiday. I decided to make a post about the day after Christmas because this is usually when the “guilt” sets in and everyone feels horrible about eating so much or not staying active during the holiday. I wanted to check it with all of you and see how my readers are feeling; do anyone of you feel guilt, or regret, did you feel like you did better managing your portions and amount of food this Christmas vs the last, did you not care and just dig in, did you find yourself lazy today and not wanting to do much of anything.. I want to hear it all. 


Personally, I didn’t eat much and for multiple reasons, but one being I didn’t feel so great, and I wasn’t very hungry this Christmas, my appetite has somewhat changed a bit – I have noticed this. I did however indulge in a few treats here and there but nothing that made me feel guilty, I am not one to eat sweets, but my grandma did such a great job baking, I couldn’t resist a bite or two.   Not only did I want to know about your eating habits, but of course I want to know did you receive all the gifts your heart could dream of, did you give as much as you received, did you spend time with loved ones/friends, did you find yourself grateful for everything positive that has happened and did you smile and laugh, take tons of pictures and sneak Santa a cookie or two. I hope everyone found something productive and positive to do on their Holiday – we might not all celebrate the same holidays, but how we spend those days doesn’t have to change, we should always be grateful for what we have and who we have in our lives. 


I appreciate everyone being patient with me, as I have not done a YouTube video since a week or so, and well, I was going to do one today, which I might still and it might be a little emotional.. who knows. I just know one thing, so much has happened, both good and bad and no matter, I appreciate all of you for taking time out of your good and bad days to find time to read my blog post. I wish all of you a wonderful Monday!


Your Fitness Blogger,


Shay-lon xxxx

Published by WonderWoman & Fit

You can assume I have a love for fitness & a love for Wonderwoman -- both assumptions are correct. I am an ACSM certified personal trainer of 8+ years -- I currently reside in Ohio and live a simplistic life at the age of 29. If I am not lifting, I am eating, sleeping, traveling, exploring, or movie watching. I recently moved during a pandemic, now I am focused on self care (self love), building a business of my own in personal training, becoming a professional blogger, starting a podcast and doing things that make me happy! I am a sister, daughter, and loyal friend --- I love everyone's dog and I am on a mission to pet as many dogs as possible everywhere I go! LOL. My mission is to talk health (physical/mental), design programming, motivational speak, learn, grow, prosper, build others and make as many people smile as possible because I want nothing more than to be the change I seek in the world.

63 thoughts on “The Day After Christmas Day

  1. I hope that you feel better soon. I don’t stuff myself during the holidays, but I love apple pie. I didn’t eat any leftovers today, which is normal for me too. I bought my mom lots of gifts because Christmas is also her Birthday. I enjoyed spending time with my mom. I hope you enjoyed yourself as well.

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    1. Thank you, I hope I feel better soon too. I don’t like having aches and what not. I love apple pie too! my mom never baked the ones she bought, she is saving it for New Years I guess instead. lol. I had leftovers tonight, but still didn’t eat very much.

      Happy Birthday to your mom! I am happy you have a wonderful Christmas and spent it with your loved one! Beautiful 🙂

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  2. Sounds like you had a very positive rest.
    I have a membership at a 24 hour gym so my present was I got to go for a really good workout instead of getting the house ready for company. I don’t think I overate but a few times when we were having dessert I blacked out and I woke up with whipped cream all over me. Then we went to see Rogue One.
    Today, my wife started the day with an intensive aerobic workout and then enjoyed the company of an old friend who is near and dear to our hearts.
    One other present I received was from a young person who we were working with, who became like a daughter to us, but who had to cut us out of her life in August. She texted me, “Merry Christmas.” It wasn’t much but it was huge at the same time.

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    1. Braddahr,
      Sounds like you had an eventful and yet positive weekend as well. That makes one person who managed to make it to the gym during their Holiday, always a plus. Lmao, desserts seem to be many people’s downfalls, but I am not against the waking up with whipped cream on your face, if it means you enjoyed it!

      How was the movie Rogue One? would you recommend it, or no? I want to see it myself, even though I am not a HUGE starswars fan, I still would like to see what it is about and what not.

      Aerobic workout? boo! lol. jk .
      So in the end you had your “Christmas Miracle” – the text you were not expecting. Maybe they do exist afterall 😀


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    2. Rogue One was okay. I used to be a huge Star Wars fan due to the original movie but then the sequels and new (not new anymore) movies basically ruined it for me. It was interesting to see the back story and how it links to the others.
      Our aerobic workout was good. Basically whole body with intensive focus on the core area. There were np burpees.
      I guess it was a Christmas miracle.

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    3. Why do you not like the newer Star Wars movie? the acting bad or just not something that is similar to the older ones.
      I suppose I will probably wait til lines die down to go see it, among other movies I still need to see. Whole body workouts are always a feel good workout! and no burpees, well hell that is a Christmas miracle, someone got lucky!

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    4. After a while, they just became the same story. And then there was Jar Jar Binks. And as Abed would say, “Midichlorians? Midichlorians?”

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    5. Well, it’s an ongoing story so there’s going to be overlap but when it’s pretty clear they are just rehashing the old material… come on. Where’s the creativity?

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    6. I have heard fans say, if they change up the storyline it would take away from Star Wars. I like being able to hear both sides because it makes sense why you would want a change up. That is how I feel about some of the Disney movies they remake over and over and over and over and over again with different actors and actresses – -_-

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    7. In the original Star Wars, they defeat the Death Star. Return of the Jedi, they defeat the new and improved Death Star. Skip forward a few decades and in the Force Awakens they defeat… wait for it… the Star Killer (which is basically another way to say… Death Star).

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    8. Not to get all political/social commentary but I believe all the main characters – good guys – are caucasian? If there are black main characters they were bad guys but then they were redeemed by the caucasian characters.

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    9. Actually I did notice this too, and even though I have not watched every single Star Wars movie to verify this, I do believe it. I wonder if that purposely done or just something that happens, hmm


  3. More disappointed and frustrated than guilty or regretful for having a weight gain. It wasn’t so much overeating as the cumulative effect of several holiday gatherings during the week. But I started the week with a workout and will get back on course. Welcome back and git well soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey!
      Thank you for stopping by! Those are always difficult, a friend of mine was saying the same thing “the cumulative effect of several holiday gatherings” made a difference in their eating habits vs the amount of food they had on their plate. I luckily only had two, but one I did not eat at and the other did not eat very much. Although when I did eat, I wasn’t self conscious about it, just kind of dug in.

      The positive is we both managed to make it back to the gym/workout! Don’t be too disappointed in yourself, you take responsibility and you own your own mistakes, that is all that matters, what you do now is exactly what you said “get back on track” nothing can stop you from conquering!
      Thank you!



  4. Here’s hoping you kick whatever bug is clinging to you.
    I ate till it hurt and then my brother and I dove into a cheesecake.
    I’ve been slacking a bit in the workout area because I have also not been feeling well so I am looking at it as my body telling me to chill the F out and relax. I get at least one bad cough each winter and this one is lingering longer than I would have liked but as long as it stays out of my lungs, I’ll suck it up.
    And as far as gifts, I got nothing except time with my brother and his wife. The dogs and I went for a nice morning hike and made a new friend and after I got home we all piled on the couch and watched movies. And I’m OK with that.

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    1. Thank you!
      I hope you feel better as well, blah.
      I am physically feeling better, taking it one day at a time. lol.
      Also, did you have any day after guilt or regrets or eating more or less? I love cheesecake, so good! Yumm!
      I would drink more orange juice, but the acid gives me cold sores, so I try to get the vitamins needed for my immune system through the food I eat if possible. Not to mention this wasn’t as much of a cold as a particular time of my the month, lmao.
      Sounds like you have a Christmas miracle being able to spend time with your brother – that is all that is needed! Did the dogs make a new friend or you? lol

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    2. Slowly getting better. I’m lucky I don’t get the monthly issues much cause there’s really not a lot you can do about it.
      The pups made the new friend. Can’t take them anywhere without getting a new member of their fan club.

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    3. Yay! I am happy to hear some good news from you. Yes, the monthly issues can fuck off me!xD that is all I am going to say. I take meds but soon will need a new dose or new med since my body gets immune so quickly.

      Hahaha I figured they were the ones making new friends, pft! lol I am a member of their fan club tooo O.O they never write me back though, xD

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    4. Hahahaha the image of them packing up and leaving made me laugh! “so.. we have thumbs that properly work, we hate to do this to you and we will miss you but we are leaving now”.. lol

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    5. Ha I think I could make them stay by pointing out the credit card is in my name. Piper is such a momma’s girl she won’t leave. The boys on the other hand… I could see Leo driving while Jack sleeps in the front seat. Ok that image just made me literally laugh out loud.

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    6. Oh come on Piper, let it go, let your owner go.. don’t be a baby! lol. Piper do you want to be like Leo and Jack or would you rather be a mouse all your life and wonder about what is outside your four walls? lol. — as I lead her away with bacon in my hand xD lol.

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    7. Well she is the biggest and strongest of the three of them and the most intimidating looking. Jack is border line genius. Scary for a dog. Leo will do anything for food. They’re great for hiking but unfortunately no marathons since Piper and Jack both have soundness issues.

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    8. Hahaha! don’t you call him an idiot or I will be letting PETA know about this verbal abuse. So how long do you usually go on hikes with them? do they normally give you a hint when they can no longer go any further? how do they hydrate?

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    9. Noooooo I said “like an idiot” not that he is an idiot 😉 Our usual around the house hikes are about an hour. Jack is the first one to show signs of tiring and he’ll pant more and slow down so we’ll take breaks. Sometimes if he’s really tired he just sit down and lay on his side. If we’re near rivers they just drink when they’re thirsty, otherwise I carry collapsible bowls and bottles of water for them.

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    10. Hmm, lol. Fine, no PETA this time, but I will watching you. >.<
      Awhh, wow. That is cool, I will need to look for something like that for my family dog (he lives with my mom and youngest brother) but I was hoping to take him out on trails at some point in the spring/summer. Never heard of collapsible bowls/bottles, I will surely look into it..

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    11. I have a stack of bowls. It’s a short stack since they collapse. Most pet stores have them or outdoor supply stores like OK here we have MEC and Sail. I guess REI maybe? What kind of dog? Are you going to add that into your fitness posts?

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    12. I have a rat terrier. Small dog but loves being active. Outdoors when it isn’t cold. lol.
      I am not sure if I will add it to my blog, it could be interesting, but I am not sure it would be that entertaining 🙂 haha


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