365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Dreams/Wishes/Hopes/Future

5.12.19 Day 32 What gifts do you want to share with the world? Love, compassion, strength and hope. I believe the world needs more of those everyday. 

Holiday Cheer!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays  Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Friends I hope all of you had a wonderful Holiday — no matter which holiday you celebrate, I hope you had fun, and smiled a ton. For many people this can be a hard time because many people don’t have loved ones or have lostContinue reading “Holiday Cheer!”

The Day After Christmas Day

Hello everyone,  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and if not Christmas, a wonderful holiday. I decided to make a post about the day after Christmas because this is usually when the “guilt” sets in and everyone feels horrible about eating so much or not staying active during the holiday. I wantedContinue reading “The Day After Christmas Day”