“whole 30” Diet & Exercise

This blog post sheds light on the “whole 30” diet itself and how well it works with ongoing exercise & new exercise regimens. I had a client who did this diet plan, along with this wife and expressed how it gave good results but over time they both were getting bored of the concept of eating the same foods daily, he expressed to me how strict the diet was, gave me some insight into the results it produced but wanted to know more information besides what he had researched because now they are both my clients at the gym & are looking to possibly start this diet once again along with starting their new workout agenda (will have been with me for a month now) and he wanted to know 1) my opinion 2) if it will help or hinder while he and his wife exercise 3) is it worth doing 4) is it something that can be adjusted so that they don’t run into the same issue of being bored of the same food 5) where to go from there once the 30 days is over . All of which were good questions and figured, I would post about it so that if others have the same thoughts, or questions, we could solve this together. 

Personally, I have never done this diet & I don’t recommend diets to my clients (out of my scope of practice) but to learn more about nutrition and teach good behaviors would be within my scope and help them prepare for the end of the road with a positive mindset and continued results. Hopefully the research I came up with you find helpful, feel free to also share it among your peers Whole 30 & Exercise

If any of you have more to add about this particular diet, please leave it in the comments — I love hearing personal experiences and stories (who knows, I might consider you writing a guest post about your experience with this diet) 



Published by WonderWoman & Fit

You can assume I have a love for fitness & a love for Wonderwoman -- both assumptions are correct. I am an ACSM certified personal trainer of 8+ years -- I currently reside in Ohio and live a simplistic life at the age of 29. If I am not lifting, I am eating, sleeping, traveling, exploring, or movie watching. I recently moved during a pandemic, now I am focused on self care (self love), building a business of my own in personal training, becoming a professional blogger, starting a podcast and doing things that make me happy! I am a sister, daughter, and loyal friend --- I love everyone's dog and I am on a mission to pet as many dogs as possible everywhere I go! LOL. My mission is to talk health (physical/mental), design programming, motivational speak, learn, grow, prosper, build others and make as many people smile as possible because I want nothing more than to be the change I seek in the world.

3 thoughts on ““whole 30” Diet & Exercise

  1. Thank you for this post. My neighbor started this last Friday. He is a pastor and cite religious reasons. Not my cup of tea either. I feel like one needs to be committed to changing their habits forever. I feel this is why fad diets often fail. Omg, remember the cabbage soup diet? SMH


    1. Hahaha YESS! I do remember that one. I find that anymore, anyone can come up with a diet & sell it , seriously and normally these are people with no degree or wisdom in nutrition but just figure if it works for them and gives quick results, they can inform others and next thing you know, people will believe the new hype. I never get caught up, I read about them and try to understand the purpose and how well it will function with individuals long term but again most diets unless life changing are pointless unless you need a quick fix and expect to be redoing this same cycle often (which eventually will wear you down physically and mentally)

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