BEGREATGUYS #5 — My exam story (Try Again)

I have learned many things, some of which made a difference in my life. One of which, is learning to “try again”, which for some is easy enough but for others like myself, “trying again” is scary and makes us overwhelmed, makes us anxious and gives us stress. Stress we don’t need nor want. IContinue reading “BEGREATGUYS #5 — My exam story (Try Again)”

I passed my exam!

ACSM certified personal trainer! I wanted to share the good news with everyone, I retook the ACSM personal training exam for the third time and PASSED IT! I am not certified and really excited. I shared the good news on social media if you follow me, but wanted my blog friends to know the goodContinue reading “I passed my exam!”

EXAM results & Sacrifices.

Thank you fellow bloggers for being patient, I have some news..  I took my exam Friday December 1st and got a HIGH score but I did not pass. I failed.  With all of that being said, I will hopefully be retaking the exam sometime in February ( the ACSM exam is changing so I haveContinue reading “EXAM results & Sacrifices.”