Monday Mobility – Quads

Hey everyone! sorry, I was gone for a whole week! due to not feeling well, if any of you follow me on Instagram, then you probably read my post about endometriosis — having had it since 7th grade, among other things — and my symptoms are pretty severe, so I was absent from wordpress, socialContinue reading “Monday Mobility – Quads”

Trainer Tip Tuesday! – Order Matters

Hey Bloggers & readers, Today you are in for a treat with trainer tip tuesday, something many people forget or don’t know but something to always keep in mind when working out — Today’s tip: The order of how you do your exercises matters. confused? Okay! well, Most beginners come to the gym ready toContinue reading “Trainer Tip Tuesday! – Order Matters”

Body Composition Measurements: Skinfolds

Skinfold measurements It has been awhile since my last blogging post – sorry about the long pause, I was trying to get a new structure going for my clients at the gym / working on my own scheduling so I wouldn’t be driving back and forth so often/ and working on getting to know theContinue reading “Body Composition Measurements: Skinfolds”

365 Days of self Discovery: Your dreams/wishes/hopes/future

4.24.19 Day 13 What is your dream job? Goodness, the real question is what don’t I want to do as a dream job. My dream job is a multitude of things but come together because they surround my passion for fitness/health/mental health. For starters, I would love to have a job working with elite athletesContinue reading “365 Days of self Discovery: Your dreams/wishes/hopes/future”

365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Wishes/Hopes/Dreams/Future

4.14.19 Day 4 What would you like to achieve in the next year? There are so many things I would like to achieve, but here is a sneak peek of goals I have Moving to a bigger city Having my own podcast my blog reaching 10,000 followers/subscribers success with being a personal trainer at myContinue reading “365 Days of Self Discovery: Your Wishes/Hopes/Dreams/Future”