The “Female Triad” – Have you heard of it?

Female athletes beware…    It is possible you have experienced this as a female athlete or maybe your child is experiencing this OR it could be that you know someone who is experiencing this. Most females have experienced this depending on the sports they played and how serious they took their athletics – many coachesContinue reading “The “Female Triad” – Have you heard of it?”

Period Cramps & Exercise

So… Some of you are perhaps thinking, is she really about to talk about periods… and then equate it with exercise? Will this really about periods, or is she kidding? OMG PERIODS!! NO..GROSS.. I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR OR LEARN ABOUT FEMALE PERIODS. Let me break the ice by saying, this is less aboutContinue reading “Period Cramps & Exercise”

Is Water Aerobics better than land based exercises? So I will admit, this is probably bad timing since summer is almost over, but where I live there are gyms that offer indoor pools all year round for those who want to swim for their workout or enjoy the hot tub. I cannot imagine being one of those people, because once summer goesContinue reading “Is Water Aerobics better than land based exercises?”