365 Days of Self Discovery: The Past

3.10.19 Day 3 What were the good things you remember from your childhood? Being outside all the time with my younger brother playing sports, riding our bikes, playing with the neighbor kids, and skateboarding My mom taking us to get ice cream before heading to the car wash My mom making it a habit toContinue reading “365 Days of Self Discovery: The Past”

The 3 Day Quote Challenge- Final Day!

Thank you PoojaG for nominating me for the quote challenge and I am happy today is the final day! lol woohooo! party at the Shay blog! Bring your own refreshments though! If you missed yesterday’s quotes, go check them out, if you missed out on PoojaG quote challenge, go check it out as well!  Rules to be followed: 3Continue reading “The 3 Day Quote Challenge- Final Day!”

Personal training- helping a friend day 3

Hey everyone,  Today was day 3 of “personal training” helping a friend, today was another good day at the gym with his workout, he did very well overall even with a challenge.  Warm-up Treadmill- 10 minutes, no incline, 3.5 speed Workout: Stationary bike, level 4 resistance, had him keep his RPMs at a 50 butContinue reading “Personal training- helping a friend day 3”